Blog: web development, SEO, website maintenance — as we see it
For efficiency, consistency and flexibility, growing companies should consider utilizing scalable content management systems (CMS) in establishing their online presence.
Web development project management encompasses the planning, implementation and monitoring of projects, i.e. the whole process from needs assessment to the launch of the website.
A poorly executed ecommerce development project can lead to significant losses, disruption and loss of reputation. These are the most common pitfalls.
Enterprises looking to maintain their competitive advantage should invest in customised websites and applications rather than utilizing off-the-shelf ones, as the former can significantly increase operational efficiency and create revenue opportunities.
Technical search engine optimization means the quality of web development and hosting, as technical SEO refers to the quality of the technical background and structure of a website.
Growing companies need websites that remain fast, secure and functional even as traffic, data volumes and user numbers increase.
One of the advantages of content management systems is that a lot of SEO adjustments can be made without the help of a web developer. For example, you can edit page titles, meta descriptions, URLs, menus, the sitemap, the redirects, the noindex, nofollow tags, and the Open Graph meta tags.

On-page SEO (content optimization) means creating relevant, useful and well-edited content, and uploading it in a way that is easy for both human users and search engines to find and understand.
A weboldalkészítési tanácsadással útmutatást és támogatást nyújtunk webhelyek megtervezéséhez, elkészítéséhez (fejlesztéséhez) és karbantartásához. Már a nulladik lépésnél fontos lehet: amikor felmerült a weboldalkészítés ötlete, de még nem tudja, pontosan mit és hogyan szeretne megvalósítani. Vagy épp ha már van weboldala, és fontolgatja, hogy lecseréli.
Ahogyan fejlődik az internetes technológia világa, úgy a Drupal is modernebb funkcionalitást kap; a meglévő részegységei modernizálódnak vagy teljes egészében lecserélődnek, esetleg végleg megszűnnek. Fontos, hogy naprakészen tartsuk rendszerünket, mert ha elhanyagoljuk, akkor a későbbiekben sok gondot tud okozni.
For best performance, content needs to be uploaded to the website with attention to detail. This not only benefits the site from an SEO perspective, but also contributes to its accessibility.
Content is the primary determinant of the user's experience of the website. Therefore, content is the foundation of SEO: it determines what search queries a page ranks for and in what position in search results. Quality content delivers valuable, useful, helpful information, in carefully edited format.
A CMS is a content management system such as Drupal, Wordpress or Joomla. Owners of websites based on a CMS can create new pages for their website, or modify or delete existing pages on a user-friendly interface, without the help of a developer, or technical, coding knowledge.
Search engine optimization is all the activities we do to improve the quality of a website: publishing quality content that is easy to find and crawl.
SEO is classically divided into three areas: technical SEO, on-page SEO and off-page SEO. Recently, we have started to talk about local SEO as well.
The Drupal content management system perfectly meets our quality criteria, as it is not only one of the most secure CMSs on the market, but is also constantly evolving. And with updates, website owners automatically receive these improvements.
The steps of creating a website depends on several factors: whether the design and functionality will be template-based or custom, whether we create a completely new website from scratch, or there is already one with a design and/or structure and functionality to be rebuilt, or whether it is only a migration (e.g. to another content management system) with an exact copy of the structure and design.
The server hosting the website needs maintenance from time to time, just like the source code (engine) of the website, and its content. What technologies should be used for this? What should we look out for? What are the general needs of a website and what are the pitfalls of hosting in the long term?
The graphic design of a website can be based on a template, it can be completely unique or, in the case of a website migration, it can be a copy of an existing website's. What are the advantages of each?
A Drupal és a WordPress is tartalomkezelő rendszer (CMS), és így sok a hasonlóság bennük, ám sok a különbség is, amelyek elsősorban a rugalmasságban és a bővíthetőségben gyökereznek.
Drupal version 7 will officially reach its End of Life (EOL) on 1 November 2023, and Drupal 8 support has already ended on 2 November 2021. Anyone using versions earlier than 9 is strongly advised to upgrade!
Accessible websites can be consumed and interpreted by people with disabilities or temporary disabilities who can use their content and functions. That is, accessible websites can reach the widest possible audience, and they are also the easiest for robots to interpret.