What we offer

SEO-friendly website development + hosting + full management + support

In addition to website development, we also provide all the technical and management support needed to ensure the good performance and secure operation of your website:


Full-service web hosting

Support and consulting after website delivery

Website development with technical SEO

We build our websites from the ground up according to technical search engine optimization guidelines.

This means clean coding, perfect crawlability, fast page load, search engine and mobile-friendly implementation. 

We always choose the technology that will deliver the best possible results in terms of user experience and performance.

Website development that follows technical SEO aspects will not only help you to rank better in search engines, but also keep your PPC (Google Ads) advertising costs low. 

Your new or rebuilt website can be template-based or one with fully customized graphics and functionality.


Web hosting with full service maintenance

We use state-of-the-art methods to protect our servers from hacking and attacks.

We regularly install all necessary security updates on both the server and the website.

The loading speed of the websites hosted with us does not slow down even with a high number of visitors.

Our own round-the-clock monitoring system notifies us immediately in the event of an attack, network or other failure, and we get to work immediately.

We back up the sites we host on a daily basis. We store backups for up to 7 days, and will restore to a previous version if you accidentally delete important content or suffer other data loss.


Support and consulting after delivery of the website

Our websites do not only come with a warranty, but we are also available at any time after the warranty period has expired. 

We are quick to respond if our customers get stuck with something, have a question about how the site works, and the manual doesn't have the answer. 

We can also help you find the most effective solution for extending the functionality and improving the content of your website.

We also take on regular content uploading and content editing tasks on request. 

You send us the text, images and videos and we upload them to your website, following SEO best practices.


Web development pricing


Easy Build – website with fixed page layouts, one year hosting free:
599 EUR + VAT 


Flexi Build – website with drag & drop page layout builder functionality, one year hosting free:
1,299 EUR + VAT 


Custom website development – custom graphic design and/or custom functionality:
 individual pricing

Who we are

We are the web development team of Prompt, an IT company with over 30 years of experience.

About us




Human and business values


Long-term partnership

In long-term partnerships, we get to know each other on a human and business level. Over time, we get better in "reading our clients' minds" and predict what our clients will want, and how, and to what extent they want a change or event to be represented on their websites, what are the important aspects for them when introducing a new function or service. In long-term partnerships, we learn to speak each other's language, so we can communicate and work more effectively.


It's important for us that our customers know they can count on us, that we are always there when they need us, even outside working hours. We treat our clients' sites as our own, so we not only take full responsibility for our work, but we often get ahead of problems and volunteer ideas for potential innovations and improvements.


Being honest is the basis of a long-term partnership and part of being trustworthy. We don't suggest or try to sell something we don't believe will actually serve our client's goals. Also, like everyone, we make mistakes — we take responsibility for our mistakes, draw conclusions from them, and move forward more wisely.

Work values



We follow the latest industry security standards in building our websites and operating our servers to protect our customers' data and property from attack and hacking to the greatest extent possible.

Firm technical foundations

We believe in building on solid foundations. When designing our websites, we consciously choose from the technologies available for implementation, so that the technology we choose supports the future uses of the site and also complies with SEO best practices.


We design websites and features to be sustainable from a web development and content management perspective: it will be possible to extend their functionality efficiently, and content management will not be more complex than it has to be.